“It's no secret that much of fiction is thinly-veiled autobiography. If that was true of Aimee Bender's Willful Creatures, her second story collection, then Bender's siblings are potatoes, she once bought a tiny man in a cage, and she knows a boy whose fingers are shaped like keys”(The Short Review).
As it is demonstrated throughout Bender’s writings, she is not a traditional author. “Many of the stories do not have vegetables which grow limbs or boys with keys for fingers, but rather it is the style of writing that places them at the more surreal end of the spectrum. Words do not necessarily come in the traditional order, sentences are not always finished. There is a rhythm and a poetry here” (The Short Review).
Aimee Bender was born in California on June 28, 1969. She is the author of three books: Willful Creatures, The Girl in the Flammable Skirt, and An Invisible Sign of My Own. She has received two Pushcart prizes and was previously nominated for the TipTree award. She lives in Los Angeles and admits that “There's a lot of daydreaming space in L.A., and in that way [she] think[s] that does help [her] work” (Author Interviews). Bender grew up in a family with two sisters. Her father was a psychiatrist and her mother, a choreographer. She expresses that her “dad, through psychiatry, is dealing with the unconscious . . . and [her] mom is delving into her own unconscious to make up dances. . . . And [she’s] sort of the combo platter” (The Rememberer). She teaches creative writing at The University of Southern California.
“On the surface, most of the stories in Willful Creatures shouldn't ring true at all. But think of a roller coaster: Bender's magical flourishes crank you up, up, up along the tracks until, suddenly, break-necking back toward reality, a single line tears your stomach out. The ride gets addictive—mundane and surreal, fantastic and familiar, one rush leaves you clamoring for the next” (Author Interviews).

Bender's Books:
As noted previously Aimee Bender is the author of three books. The three books she has written are The Girl in the Flammable Skirt (1998, An Invisible Sign of My Own (2000), and Willful Creatures (2005).
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt:
This was Bender's first book that was published in 1998 and is a collection of short

An Invisible Sign of My Own:

Willfull Creatures:

Aimee Bender reads from Willful Creatures with Interview
Works Cited:
Authors@Google: Aimee Bender. Youtube. 25 Oct. 2008
Bender, Aimee. Flammableskirt.com. 26 Oct. 2008 <http://www.flammableskirt.com/menu.html>.
Hershman, Tania. The Short Review. 26 Oct. 2008
Random House Inc. 25 Oct. 2008 <www.randomhouse.com>.
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt. Powell's Books. 27 Oct. 2008
The Rememberer. 27 Oct. 2008 <http://www.enotes.com/rememberer/biography>.
Weich, Dave. Author Interviews. Powell's Books. 26 Oct. 2008 <http://www.powells.com/authors/bender.html>.
Willful Creatures. Powell's Books. 26 Oct. 2008
Posted by: Rachel Kohler, Charlene Winburn, and Chris Mechlem
Authors@Google: Aimee Bender. Youtube. 25 Oct. 2008
Bender, Aimee. Flammableskirt.com. 26 Oct. 2008 <http://www.flammableskirt.com/menu.html>.
Hershman, Tania. The Short Review. 26 Oct. 2008
Random House Inc. 25 Oct. 2008 <www.randomhouse.com>.
The Girl in the Flammable Skirt. Powell's Books. 27 Oct. 2008
The Rememberer. 27 Oct. 2008 <http://www.enotes.com/rememberer/biography>.
Weich, Dave. Author Interviews. Powell's Books. 26 Oct. 2008 <http://www.powells.com/authors/bender.html>.
Willful Creatures. Powell's Books. 26 Oct. 2008
Posted by: Rachel Kohler, Charlene Winburn, and Chris Mechlem
Thanks for posting this blog. You begin by quoting a review, “It's no secret that much of fiction is thinly-veiled autobiography. If that was true of Aimee Bender's Willful Creatures, her second story collection, then Bender's siblings are potatoes, she once bought a tiny man in a cage, and she knows a boy whose fingers are shaped like keys”(The Short Review). In light of our class discussion—that Bender uses the fantastic as a “Trojan Horse” to write more conventional stories—I wonder how you might see any autobiographical elements at work in this story. For instance, I found the quote about LA having “daydreaming spaces” that affect her work to be interesting. To what extent do you believe an author’s locale affects his or her writing style? Also, I found it interesting that her father was a psychiatrist—especially since many of her stories seem to hinge on human relations—albeit through the guise of the fantastic.
I’m glad you gave us all some insights into Bender’s body of work, so that we can begin to see particular themes and styles develop. You did a nice job finding some outside sources; however, at times, you seem to rely too heavily upon the direct quotes from the outside sources. Every time you include a quote, you should also include your personal assessment of that quote. For instance, you quote an outside source, “Many of the stories do not have vegetables which grow limbs or boys with keys for fingers, but rather it is the style of writing that places them at the more surreal end of the spectrum. Words do not necessarily come in the traditional order, sentences are not always finished. There is a rhythm and a poetry here.” How are you using this quote to prove an original argument? Can you give us an example from our readings of the surreal? Also, what do you think is meant by “traditional stories”? Keep in mind that quotes are used to support original arguments. Remember, too, MLA format and the use of “signal phrases.”
Thanks for sharing the video clip of Bender reading from her work. Interesting to see an author reading her work—and answering questions about her own writing! Did you learn anything interesting by watching this? Anything new revealed? I thought it was interesting that she was described as "Hemingway on acid." Would you agree with this assessment?
I really like that you included some of her other books, so we can see what kind of writer she actually is. I thought that was a nice touch!
-Karen Taylor
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